Dr. Michiel Rienstra, MD- Digoxin Evaluation in Chronic Heart Failure #Cardiology #Research

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Professor of Clinical Cardiology Michiel Rienstra specializes on atrial fibrillation and heart failure. In 2009, he received a NWO Rubicon grant to pursue a post-doctoral position in population genetics and epidemiology at Harvard Medical School, Massachusetts General Hospital, and the Framingham Heart Study. In this video Dr. Rienstra speaks about Digoxin Evaluation in Chronic Heart Failure.

Link to Abstract:

Brief Synopsis:
Digoxin is the oldest and cheapest FDA-approved medication for heart failure (HF). The DIG trial, a large digoxin trial conducted in the early 1990s, found a considerable reduction in HF hospitalizations but no effect on mortality. According to a post-hoc study of the DIG trial, decreased digoxin serum concentrations may reduce not just HF hospitalizations but also mortality in chronic HF patients. A prospective, randomized, placebo-controlled trial is needed to confirm these retrospective findings and to establish digoxin's current position in the therapy of HF. As a result, the researchers want to see if low-dose digoxin, with serum concentrations of 0.5-0.9ng/mL, is useful in HF patients with low or mid-range ejection fractions (LVEF 50%).