Frank Gommans, MD, PhD @frankgommans @CUMedicalSchool @CUAnschutz @CU_MSTP #HeartFailure #Cardiology #Research Solubl...

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Frank Gommans, MD, PhD from the Radboud University Medical Centre speaks about Soluble Neprilysin and Corin Concentrations in Relation to Clinical Outcome in Chronic Heart Failure.

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Summary -

Aims and goals

This research looked at whether soluble neprilysin and corin concentrations can be used to stratify patients with chronic heart failure (HF) and whether this is related to clinical outcomes.


Corin and neprilysin, two enzymes that process natriuretic peptides, play a key role in the conversion of pro–natriuretic peptides to active natriuretic peptides as well as their degradation


A prospective cohort of 1,009 patients with chronic HF was divided into four equal classes based on their neprilysin/corin concentration relative to the median: 1) low neprilysin/low corin; 2) low neprilysin/high corin; 3) high neprilysin/low corin, and 4) high neprilysin/high corin. The composite primary outcome of cardiovascular mortality and HF hospitalization was subjected to a Cox regression survival study.


The median concentrations of neprilysin and corin were not associated (rho:0.04; p = 0.21). While there was no correlation with outcome in univariate research, after accounting for baseline variations in age and sex, a substantial association with survival was observed, with the highest survival in group 1 (low neprilysin/low corin) and the lowest in group 4 (high neprilysin/high corin) (adjusted hazard ratio: 1.56; p = 0.003) (adjusted hazard ratio: 1.56; p =

Final Thoughts

Clinical results are related to the stratification of patients with chronic HF based on circulating neprilysin and corin concentrations. These findings indicate that the control of these enzymes is important in chronic HF, and they may provide an intriguing mechanism for classifying patients with HF as the first step toward individualized HF patient care.