Marco Corridore, MD- A Pilot Study of Optic Nerve Ultrasound Following Cardiopulmonary Bypass

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Marco Corridore, MD, is an anesthesiologist at Nationwide Children's Hospital and The Heart Center and a clinical assistant professor of anesthesiology at Ohio State University School of Medicine. In this video Dr. Carridore discusses A Pilot Study of Optic Nerve Ultrasound Following Cardiopulmonary Bypass.

Link to Abstract:

The purpose of the proposed study is to evaluate the incidence of subtle increases in intracranial pressure (ICP) after cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) using optic nerve sheath diameter (ONSD) measured by non-invasive ultrasound. That is. ONSD is used as a correlation for ICP because it is not possible to measure ICP directly by CPB. ONSD has been shown to be effective in detecting increased ICP in intensive care units and emergency rooms and is recognized as the standard for such measurements. The main hypothesis is that changes in ICP after CPB occur without clinically identifiable signs or symptoms. These changes to the ICP will be reflected in the changes to the ONSD. If there is a significant postoperative incidence of asymptomatic cerebral edema and an increase in ICP, these results may affect postoperative hemodynamics and ventilation.